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Thursday, August 6, 2009

WE ARE THE FUTURE: The Responsibility of today, for tomorrow...

You’ll probably read this sentence a lot in this blog (or at least in this post!): We are the future.

I know, you’re thinking: “So what? Duh! Of course we’re the future. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.”

Ok, you’d be mostly right. The fact that we’re the future is pretty evident. But what does that really mean?

It means that we will be the people who have to take over someday. We, today’s youth, will be the doctors, teachers, lawyers, politicians, etc. of tomorrow. That’s what this blog, Generation Takeover, is all about. WE are the generation that will be taking over. We are tomorrow’s leaders.

So what? I mean, what does that really mean anyway?

Well, it means that we had better start learning about leadership now so we can fulfill those roles in the future…Then again, who says we can’t become leaders and world changers NOW?
I think we can. I think we should. It’s our duty to impact the world around us, whether it be fighting against abortion, volunteering on a political campaign, writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, etc. There really is no limit to the impact we can make on the world around us. We just have to remember
Philippians 4:13…

“I can do ALL THINGS through Christ which strengthens me”

“Teens who change the world for Christ.” That is our mission statement summed up into one sentence.

Leaders are made, not just born (and by the way if you are not a “born leader”, don’t think for a second that you can’t become one—you can!), and Generation Takeover is simply a tool to help you grow as you develop the leader in you.

Let me ask you a question:

Have you ever thought that maybe your life was meant for something greater than playing the X-box or Wii, or checking your MySpace or Facebook for hours upon hours? I’m not saying these things are bad, I’m just wondering if you’ve ever wanted “something more” in you life.

Let us know how you feel about this. Send us an email (generationtakeover@gmail.com) and Tell us if you feel like your life is meant for something greater; that God has placed you on this earth for a definite purpose. We want to know your story.
The problem that we are facing right now is that Christian teens (and every age group from there on up) are “okay” with doing nothing. And frankly, we are very good at doing nothing. It took a Rebelution to sound the wake up call, and that’s when I saw that we need to “step it up” today: because WE ARE THE FUTURE.

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