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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Leadership Isn’t For Pansies!!!

Hi everyone! This is Jared from GenTak, and I just wanted to share something with you.

We all like to be "good little kids," but more often than not, we end up just acting like little kids. And that's what most people see us as: Little kids.

"But were teenagers!" you say. So what? Do we act like it? What should a teenager act like, anyway? Should we be just "big kids," or should we be young adults? The choice is up to you.

If you want to be known as just a "big kid" who only really cares about when the next party is coming up, then you're going to stay a big kid who doesn't really care about making a difference in the world…at least "until I'm older."

But if you want to "step out of your X-box" and be the (REAL) change this world needs, it's high time we step it up, people!

Remember, I'm not saying we shouldn't have fun! If you knew me then you would know that I just love to have to have fun…I consider it my profession. But I know I have responsibilities too, and being a teenager who likes to party (like me) can be a struggle when I know I have things to do in the future.

So I'm going to begin taking the steps today to reach those goals in the future. But it all starts with making the choice to stand up and "be a man, son." Put your pants on and get moving; that's what I have to keep reminding myself.

So if you want to be seen as a young adult who is fully capable of changing the world, you need to act like one! Do hard things, and take a stand to fight against the low expectations
the culture has placed on us.

We need to step it up, as the last post says, and we need to become tomorrow's leaders. We need to start today.

But what does a leader look like?
I suggest you get the book, The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a leader, by John Maxwell,
because that is a great place to start...as well as any other book by him

I can assure you that if you "attend" these "lessons," and apply what you learn to your everyday life, you will find your leadership ability growing like crazy!

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